Friday, October 9, 2009


is on my mind, lately. So it's no surprise to me that no one has commented on my post, asking for political-awareness recommendations for Mr. Hatandcoat. As I had thought, this blog is dead. It's a shame.

A SHAME, I say.

Well, I guess I can reanimate it and make it into my personal political blog.

(this is fair warning)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Hat and Coat and All

Hey there. I'm in Japan. I know that's no excuse. But where's my coblogger?

When last we spoke of politics, Mr. H asked me what political blogs I follow. He was looking for an easy way to stay informed.

Unfortunately, I don't follow political blogs. I find them annoyingly concerned with putting forward agendas rather than news. Liberal blogs are great when it comes to disputing crazy-ass Fox News stuff, but they're no fun to read regularly.

The only totally political stuff I follow on GReader is political cartoons. I gave some of those to Mr. H, but he didn't seem amused...

How do I stay informed? Well, ambient news. When the Author of the etymology blog is riled up about some senator, I get riled up, too. Facebook, Twitter, etc., all contribute to the ambient newsscape, as well as the CNN and BBC feeds that I skim the headlines of.

If Hatandcoat were to post the same question here, how would you inform him?