Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Blog 1

I'm starting a blog out curiosity. I don't have a unifying theme or a regular topic and it won't be a personal blog. In subscribing to rss feeds over time I ended up reading all types of blogs, and I started wondering what it was like putting those things out there. Honestly, I'm pretty skeptical of these things in the first place, I wonder nonetheless. Well, here I go.

I also don't have any writing experience since college (I was an English major). I have a journalist roommate and this often makes me wonder what it's like to actually put words out that the general public reads.

It irritates me that there are certain things in this world that EVERYBODY seems to know. I'm not talking about the big issues (insert political rant from whichever side you believe in here), but things like how to clean a George Foreman Grill or driving while it's starting to rain. If anyone reading this yelled "you have to wash it when it's still hot" or "it's slipperiest when it's just starting," then you know what I'm talking about. I guess there was a lesson plan in third grade or something that I just don't remember learning.

In cooking, I have found that you just need to add some wine or some garlic and all of a sudden it's awesome. Mostly that's because I have George Foreman Grill level of taste, granted. I stand by it, though.

Uh, is using a Q-tip really all that bad for you? I know of few things more satisfying than using one when I have an ear canal itch.

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