Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I've figured out that you just can't predict how well you will get along with somebody based on interests alone. First impressions are useless. Some people will just never interact well, and you won't know it until you both face some sort of stress.

I will never interact well with depressive, bottled-up people; I won't cheer them up. And people who need a lot of approval and constant agreement will never get along well with me for extended periods of time. No matter how nice we are to each other, it will never happen.

1 comment:

Hatandcoat said...

I'm reading through old posts and I found this one. It seems like a weird little afterthought to something that had recently happened to you.

My instince is to agree with you that first impressions are crap, but I'm coming around to them. I find that when I make a good one it makes subsequent interaction a lot easier. It's like learning in school - you can learn it all perfectly well at any point in the semester, but when you've gotten your work done as early as possible your life becomes a lot easier.