Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Word Alert: FOB, ABC, and ABCDEFG

FOB means Fresh Off the Boat, and refers to any immigrant who doesn't quite get the culture yet, or who doesn't even know how embarrassing they are to their children. See http://mymomisafob.com/, a website whose tagline, "Is funk means sexy?" says it all.

ABC means American-Born Chinese. I overheard this term spelled out in my East Asian Civ class today, along with FOB (pronounced like the word "fob").

ABCD means American Born and Confused Desi. "Desi" comes from multiple South Asian languages and means "of the country," so desi has come to mean an Indian or Pakistani in America or Great Britain.

Some have attempted to make the term ABCDEFG, American Born and Confused Desi Emigrated From Gujarat. Someone please explain to me how they could be American-born and also emigrated from Gujarat, which is not in America.

There have been update attempts, like FOP (fresh off the plane) and JOJ (just off the jet), but none of them sing of complete unknowingness like FOB does. FOBs are so FOB, they don't even know you can take a plane!

Please note that even American-born people can be called FOBs if they do something really obviously against cultural norms, like eating popcorn with chopsticks.

Reference here.

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