Monday, October 6, 2008

Aerodynamic H&C

I bic-ed my head today. I haven't done this in a while. The weirdest part about it is that I get wafts of cold air on random parts of my dome that I never otherwise feel. I also had a good laugh in the shower when the water splashed off the top of my head and went everywhere in every direction.

I'll tell you what's liberating: breaking the habit of tv being your default activity. I don't really turn it on anymore. And when I do I find that I don't see the standard sitcoms and such as all that interesting. Those things used to suck me in like quicksand. I find now that I go right to the stations that are more interesting: history channel, discovery channel, comedy central (love colbert), I catch the news and political punditry sometimes, and of course, channels that run fighting. The political punditry thing is brand spanking new.

Having this personal blog has given me some curiosity about blogging in general. I did some surfing throughout the blogosphere the other day and enjoyed myself. I was mostly blown away by all the friggin' personal development stuff out there. There are so many sites that have lists for this or that way to improve your life. 10 ways to be more efficient with your time, 7 ways to be happier, 12 simple steps to simplify, etc... There also seems to be an army of 19 year olds in this world who think that they can impart good life lessons to general humanity. More power to them, and I hope they all lead full and enriching lives, but it seems kinda ridiculous to me.

Maybe they're all future serial entrepeneurs starting small with what they know, which is all theory at this point. When I was about 22 I had an idea in my head of starting a theater company, with Aak actually. I got all excited about it, talked about it a lot, and started scheming some things in my head. I never followed through and nothing happened. If we would have done it it would have failed, but I realize now: what's a failed venture when you're frickin' 22? Sounds like a damn awesome learning experience to me. But these little business minded punks have the cajones to put themselves out there, even in a perhaps lame, overcrowded, hackneyed area. It's pretty cool. Rock on with your bad selves. I just won't waste my time on their product. 'Scool. They'll learn from it and learn to have better products later.

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