Friday, October 10, 2008

What the @*&$ are You Doing

I love stupid people. Or at least I hear everyone else maligning them so wantonly and I think I should show them some support.

I should say that I hate people with short fuses who reflexively declare others to be idiots. I had a friend in college who would see someone else do anything, no matter how minor, and fly off into a rant about how asinine they obviously are. I blogged before about road ragers who suck and make me unhappy. I find it a very lame and irritating reflex when you instinctively denounce someone because they do something mindless or silly. Maybe I'm sensitive to it because I do silly things all the time, like walk into a room and forget what I was supposed to do there. Sure, maybe that's a bad habit, but it takes me a second to regroup and the world's no worse off for the experience.

Now, on the road rage thing, I'm back to driving occasionally because girlfriend has taught me how to drive stick and I drive her car sometimes (side note: I loooooove driving stick and will do it every chance I get, even if I do things like stall in the middle of a 6-way intersection). I hate to admit that my post was from the cozy position of a nondriver. Now that I'm back behind the wheel I find myself getting irritated from time to time with others. And you know what, sometimes I indulge it just to see what it does to me. I want to know what others feel when they denounce people. It actually feels good. I feel a little better about myself for a second. Maybe that's where such behaviors stem from. Maybe sometimes the ragists don't feel all that mad so much as the raging makes them feel good. Maybe I should say hooray for them for the positive experience they're having.

Maybe such people are external and socially oriented and it is just an outgrowth of that. Some people are very conscious of their fellow man and some aren't. Some people out of that consciousness also pick up quickly on the errors of others and think that they are helping them out with an insult or a suggestion or an insulting suggestion.

Whatever the reason, I simply hate that part of human behavior. Sometimes I'm tempted to be as mindless as possible just to piss them off, like the guy on a narrow road who slows down to 20 mph just irritate the tailgater behind him.

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