Sunday, August 24, 2008

Co-Blog: Moneymaking Pastimes?

Answers, anyone?

Seriously, though.  I (H&C) was riding the Metro today, and I had a revelationary thought (AAK:  what?  H&C: revolutionary.  AAK: Oh.  H&C:  Let it stand.)  What if I were to take a hobby that I enjoy and somehow make money off of it?   So, I started a list of all the stuff I enjoy doing.  

1. Games
2. Fighting
3. Outdoor activities (rock climbing, hiking, camping, starting fires, more)
4. Blogging (recent)
5. Vague idea: learning new things
6. Playing guitar
7. Small group socialization
8. Correcting grammar
9. Reading nonfiction
10. Math (am returning to school to firm up this idea)
11. Playing with animals
12. Playing sports
13. Eating
14. Finding a completely new hobby I never would have imagined
(to be continued)

The idea was to keep a running list privately.  I had no intention of blogging it but Aak pushed a little.  Really, we had a case of co-blog writer's block.  So, now I ask Aak to put up such a list.  Not necessarily for exploiting in the future but just making such a list:

1. Photography
2. Learning new languages
3. Being online (Blogging, interesting articles, social networking, etc...)
4. Being in bookstores 
5. Cooking relatively easy and unique meals
6. Playing with dogs 
7. Biking
8. Games
9. Learning new things
10. Finding good new music
(to be continued) 

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