Thursday, February 26, 2009

Aak's Been on a Tear

With this post I make it 54 for the month of February between the two blogs. That makes it the most productive month since we've been doing this. This post puts my personal contribution at 10. Aak's been on a tear.

Some of it is due to him finding ready-made formats with the biking, learning, and eating. And then more eating.

Speaking of eating, I just had a terrible burger that's making me ill. I have no plans to eat at that place again. When I feel this way it makes me crave soda. Does that make any sense or is it still learned from when I was a kid and I was always given ginger ale? Someone once told me that ginger ale used to actually have ginger in it which has healing properties and the fact that we drink ginger ale when we're sick is a misconception.

The cool thing about getting older is that you can think about the people you're friends with and how long you've known them can now be measured in decades.

Back to Aak. I imagine that he's become more efficient with it - blogging. I put too much thought into a post, or I should say that I stare at a blank screen and think "I have nothing to write" a lot then give up. While I wouldn't say that I'm generally overjoyed to find out about what Japanese food my coblogger ingests on a given day, more power to him.

Off to class now. I've been bummed recently to realize that I need to set aside massive chunks for myself to learn my class material and understand it properly. When setting aside schedules I always want to squeeze in an hour here or there to get something done, but I can't do that with learning. Maybe I should just lock myself away for a month at the beginning of every semester and do nothing but my classes and emerge when I'm ready. Then I can emerge from the cocoon ready to live.

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