Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What I Learned Today. Well, Within The Past Week Or So. Or the Past Month.

Yeah, hijacking someone else's format.

  • Monkeys instinctively go for the genitals during combat. While talking with some people about that recent Chimp attack, someone informed me that Chimps have all out wars with organized armies and such. And when two male chimps are fighting over a female chimp they go for a guy's most prized possession. Once they're done I guess that definitively solves the issue of who mates with her. Provided she's game, of course. Oh, please, they're chimps, not law abiding citizens. Whoever wins gets her. I hope I'm wrong in that.
Side note: "It's often said that an adult chimpanzee weighing in at 150 pounds is three to seven times stronger than a human being."

Does that mean that the chimp is 4 to 8 times as strong? I'm tellin' you, it's everywhere. ;)

  • If f is a function from A to B, and if K is a subset of Powerset(A), then f(Union K) = Union f(U) such that U is the set of elements of K.
  • When someone has a hold of some spot on my gi while sparring I need to break that grip else it will thwart things I'm going for. VERY frustrating. Then while sparring Sunday without a gi this giant guy kept grabbing my wrist and twisting my arm around my neck when he was on top. Like a sucker I let it happen over and over and over and I got really mad. You know, the kind of mad where thinking about it the next day gets your blood up. Fortunately he was a really nice guy.
  • Milonga is a way faster form of dance than tango.
  • The bible was actually written mostly in 1805 by Mark Jacob Allen Anderlieferson. He then aggressively marketed it and everything we know about today it is a lie.
  • Ok, I made that up.

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