Sunday, February 15, 2009

Bored With It

I'm getting a bit bored with detailing all of my meals, so I guess the Readers are, too. (I know my so-called co-blogger is.) I apologize, but I'm not going to stop yet. Knowing I'm going to record and transmit what I eat and do makes me more careful about eating choices and more likely to push myself to exercise.

I guess the only way to keep doing this is if the Hatandcoat blog has more content than just my mastications and physications. Ideally, this would be partially the responsibility of my so-called co-blogger. We all know he's not up to the task. So I'll try to offset these kinds of posts with better content inbetween.

(I should be studying, it's true. Actually, I'm studying while typing this: I'm practicing my listening. I've got a Japanese historical drama on in the background.)

Today's Meals

Breakfast (10:30 am): banana, a bowl of Kashi GOLEAN and fat-free milk

Lunch (2 pm): a biggish bowl of leftover orzo, a biggish bowl of salad w/balsamic vinaigrette

Dinner (7pm): a bowl of half-curry, half-orzo leftovers, one cup of yogurt

Today's Exercise

4:05-4:45 pm: a walk around the 'hood.


I completely forgot to tell you about how I cheated today. I had around 30 Jelly Bellies between Breakfast and Lunch. They were from my roommate, who handed out valentines to me and the others here in the house. I thought about throwing them out or giving them away, but didn't. Instead, I devoured them in about five minutes.

Like Jacques the cleaning shellfish in Finding Nemo, I am ashamed.

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