Wednesday, February 18, 2009

You Will Perish In Flames!!!

I was just thinking to myself about all time movie characters that have cracked me the f*** up, and if I were to have such a conversation with people not many would come up with Louis Tully played by Rick Moranis in Ghostbusters I and II.

After some searching for a good youtube video to put up for this post, I found out that someone out there apparently thought that the character deserved a frankenvideo with vanilla ice. Don't understand this one in the least, but it has a bunch of the scenes I was thinking of:

1 comment:

Scott said...

My friends and I consistently rank Ghostbusters as the most under-quoted movie of all time. Rick Moranis can possibly claim this as his best character piece. This random-post find made my day!

...many Shuvs and Zuuls knew what it was to roast in the belly of the Slor that day I can tell you.